Sunday, December 24, 2006

good ideas

I thought I would write about some of the good ideas they have in Syria that haven’t reached the UK. I have chosen the UK as this is my home country.

The traffic system is absolutely chaotic but what they do have is a timer to indicate how long the red light has before it changes to green and a timer to indicate how long the green light before it changes to red. This good for cars as they know how long they have to wait and good for pedestrians. Excellent idea - Before you think about doing it, the idea has already been patented in Europe!!

Another one is sending credits from one pay-as-you-go mobile phone to another. I don’t think they have this in the UK but it’s so simple - you text phone number space number of credits to 1233. Easy and simple and extremely useful…

Cripes… I’m trying to think of some more ideas and can’t. I am going offline and will be back soon…….
Got one but I think I’m clutching at straws…. They have sellers going round the streets selling essential items such as tissue paper, gas cylinders, fruit and veg etc so that you don’t have to leave your house. Excellent for the elderly, the lazy and the busy…I like to think of myself as being in the last category.

I love the pay-as-you-go internet cards. They are brilliant and obviously the more credit you buy the cheaper the hour. E.g. 16 hours with the ‘AYA’ company costs about £3 and 70 hours costs about £10. There is virtually no blocking of sites and every site I need to access is accessible - even hotmail. So all this rubbish you read about concerning sites being blocked in China, Iran and Syria etc. is bull! This is for a 56k line. Broadband is available for about £20-£40 permonth depending on speed (256k to about 2Mb)

Another thing I love is the pirated software. I got the full Adobe software project that was released recently. This costs about £800 and I bought it for £5 (my friend told me I was robbed as it should be about £2!!!) Before anyone says that this is a naughty thing to do, please remember that the average wage here is about $7 a day and probably 25% of the customers are tourists.
I’ve been told Office 2007 is out soon so I can’t wait to get hold of that.

Car sharing in taxis is useful. You see what the price is on the meter when you get in and clock up your price from there.

That’s enough for now as I don’t want to waste all of my good points in one posting and need to save them for future ones.

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